Sattvic Soul Book Logo

Welcome to Sattvic Soul by Virginia Compton. This book is a collection of recipes and rituals woven together with the ancient art of Ayurveda and nature’s cyclical wisdom. Learn about your individual constitution, enjoy delicious healthy food and simple lifestyle tips. Embrace the rhythms of day and night, ritualistic bathing, the life cycle and conscious breathing. Find out how digestion is an integral part of our health and wellness. Practice self-love and gratitude. Put this all together and create a sense of becoming sattvic, balanced and peaceful in the body-mind.

Now available to purchase by clicking on the link below. 

"A woman gifted with healing hands and a formidable energy, Virginia will help you unravel this ancient knowledge accumulated over her lifetime of curiosity. She is the bridge between West and East. A nurse turned Ayurveda practitioner, her insight provides a radically different mindset than the West’s ‘magic bullet’ approach and gives us more confidence in our own ability to heal ourselves, exercising discernment and focusing on our greater potential gain."

Sunita Passi - Author, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Founder Tri-Dosha Academy